Bramble / Perennially
Nowhere is our capacity for enchantment, nor our capacity for self-deception, greater than in love - the region of human experience where the path to truth is most obsructed by the bramble of rationalization and where we are most likely to be kidnapped by our own delicious delusions. There, it is perennially difficult to know what we really want; difficult to distinguish between love and lust; difficult not to succumb to our perilous tendency to idealize; difficult to reconcile the closeness needed for intimacy with the psychological distance needed for desire.
가시가 있는 관목
a wild bush with thorns, that produce blackberries
We carefully pushed our way through the low brambles.
No one likes the place that is a wilderness - an area comprising overgrown grass and brambles.
연중 지속되어, 영속적으로
in a way that lasts a very long time, or happens repeated or all the time.
She seems to be perennially short of money.
Wellfare issues have been perennially ignored.