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HBR_How to make employees open with management

by mirerooo 2020. 8. 23.

It's a human nature to grumble a little about the boss, a boring meeting, or some seemingly clueless directive from several layers above. This kind of venting doesn't cause real harm - everyone does it now and then. It's only when discussions or crucial issues start to take place inside these conversations, rather than in meetings where concerns can be addressed, that your organization is in trouble.


Side conversations often occur because employees have learned that meetings are places where you go along with the boss or the majority, even if you disagree with what's being decided or planned. This can cause your company to overlook potentially dangerous issues that could lead to real harm if unaddressed.


The remedy to this problem starts with senior executives building a culture of psychological safety where employees believe that candor is expected and welcome. To do this, be explicit about the challenges your company is facing and constantly remind people that you understand the risks and uncertainties ahead. Point out that kicking the probem down the road costs more in the longrun. Do not accept silence in meetings. Ask for input and be curious and ready to hear what others are thinking. 


Finally, respond to bad news and concerns by focusing on solutions. You never knwo how much courage it mgiht have taken someone to speak, so invite ideas to help solve the problems raised. 


Adapted from "When Employees Are Open With Each Other, But Not Management." by Amy C.Edmondson.

