... "adulting", a word invented by millennials as a catchall for the tasks of self-sufficient existence. Expressions of "adulting" do often come off as privileged astonishment at the realities of, well, life: that you have to pay bills and go to work; that you have to buy food and cook it if you want to eat it; that actions have consequences. Adulting is hard because life is hard - or, as a Bustle article admonishes its readers, "everything is hard if you want to looik at it that way."
꾸짖다, 책망하다
His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.
Users are admonished to change passwords regularly.
잡동사니 주머니(바구니), 광범한, 포괄적인
a catchall tray
They used the drawer as a catchall for kitchen items.
The arts is a catchall for a variety of activities from painting to music.