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석사를 꼭 따야할까? 고민된다면 읽어야하는 글

by mirerooo 2020. 1. 15.





Should you go to graduate school? As the undergraduate degree becomes more common, a growing number of employers are beginning to require master's degrees for competitive roles. But grad school is also expensive and time-consuming. So what should you consider if you're deciding whether or not it's the right next step for your career?

Firstly, people who have graduate school degrees are generally paid more money than those who don't But while some programs have a clear ROI, there's a great deal of variability. So research whether the field you're interested in really requires a master's to boost your earning potential. 
☞ 내가 관심있는 분야가 (소득 증대를 위해) 석사를 꼭 필요로 하는지 조사하라.

The second reason you might consider grad school is to make a career transition. If you find yourself wanting to shift paths (either to keep up with the changing job landscape or to follow your passion) grad school may not be a bad idea. But if you are simply looking to learn a couple of new skills, you might consider using a cheaper online resources like Udemy and Coursera - or even YouTube to learn for free.
☞ 경력 전환이 아니라 (즉, 변화하는 취업시장에 대응하거나 내 열정을 찾아가는 것이 아니라) 몇 가지 새로운 기술을 습득하고자 하는 거라면, Udemy나 Coursera에서 온라인 자료로 공부하는 것을 검토해보는 것이 좋다.

Lastly, consider the cost. If you're not committed to the subject you're studying enough to go into debt for a few years, the risk probably isn't worth the degree. 
☞ 비용도 무시할 수 없다. 공부하려는 주제에 대해 충분히 열정적이지 않다면 빚을 지면서까지 석사를 취득할 가치가 있다고 보긴 어렵다.

Like any big decision in life, this one requires a fair amount of courage and risk taking. In the words of Nobel Prize - winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, "Courage is willingness to take the risk once you know the odds. Optimisitic overconfidence means you are taking the risk because you don't know the odds. It's a big difference."

Adapted from "Should You Go to Graduate School?"

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic.

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