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미드로 영어공부하기: House of Cards (Season 1 / Ep 1)

by mirerooo 2020. 10. 11.


House of Cards 뜻

미드 House of cards 는

원래 트럼프 카드로 탑을 쌓는 놀이를 일컫는데,

권력을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는

주인공 프랭크 언더우드가

언제 파멸할지 알 수 없는 상황을 빗댄 것으로,

사상누각이라고 해석할 수 있겠다. 



  • latched onto: ~에 들러붙다
    I latched onto him early on and made myself vital.
    He latched onto her arm and wouldn't let go.

  • Lassitude: 무기력함, 권태/낙담
    I keep things moving in a congress choked by pettiness and lassitude.
    (=langour) the langour of convalenscence / langour brought on by a hot summer afternoon.

  • Keep at it: 견뎌라
    Keep at it. Get me something.
    It may take a number of attempts but it is worth keeping at it.

  • President-elect: 대통령 당선자

  • trickle down: 낙수효과 (대기업의 성장을 촉진하면 중소기업/소비자에게도 혜택이 돌아가 총체적으로 경기가 활성화된다는 경제 이론)
    I'd like to coin the phrase "tickle-down" diplomacy.
    As an ordinary person, I think bottom up economics is better than trickle down economics.

  • immune: 면제되는/해당하지 않는 (보통은 '면역력이 있는'으로 많이 쓰임)
    The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
    (현 대통령 당선 시 Frank가 국무부장관으로 임명되는 것으로 약조받았으나, 실제 임명되지 않음)

  • chicken-shit: 소심한, 겁쟁이의
    It's a chicken-shit move. I was vetted. (Frank가 국무부장관 후보자로서 면밀히 조사받음)

  • [Phone buzzing] 휴대폰 진동

  • You didn't call. You didn't call me, Francis. Nine hours. You don't not call me not when it's this big.
    넌 나에게 전화하지 않을 수 없어. (9시간동안 Frank가 연락닿지 않은 것에 대해 와이프가 화남)

  • free-fall: 가치/명성의 하락
    When you don't involve me, we are in free-fall.

  • livid: 몹시 화가 난
    You should be angry. - I'm livid.
    - Then where is that? I don't see it.
    - What do you want me to do? Screen and yell? Throw a tantrum? (발끈 성질을 냄)

  • [Loud clatter] 크게 덜컥거림
    화가난 Frank 가 테이블 위를 다 쓸어버림 ㅋㅋ

  • hold acccountable: 책임을 묻다
    They've done us a great favor, Doug. We are no longer bound by allegiances. We serve no one. We live by one rule and one rule only: Never again will we allow us again to be put in such a position. I hold them all accountable.

  • retribution: 강력한 응징/징벌
    Want retribution?
    - No, no. It's more than that. ... That's how you devour a whale, Doug. One bite at a time.

  • keep one's ear to the ground: 동향에 환하다, 세상사에 빈틈이 없다
    I will keep my ear to the ground.

  • Put on the platter: 도마 위에 올려놓다
    I almost pity him. He didn't choose to be put on my platter. When I carve him up and toss him to the dogs, only then will he confront that brutal, inescapable truth.

  • chitlin: 돼지곱창 (하찮은 것)
    My god, all I ever amounted was chitlins.

  • Never let your gratitude sour into pride. A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.
    감사가 자만으로 변질되어서는 안 된다.

  • by far and away: 훨씬, 단연코
    But you are by far and away the only choice. - I appreciate you saying that.

  • lift: 훔치다
    Well, this is some good shit, where did you get it?
    - I kind of lifted it from the VIP room of the Speakers' holiday party.

  • good in the sack: 잠자리에 능한
    When's the last time you hired a 40-year-old staffer?
    - Doesn't mean that I wouldn't
    - As long as she's good in the sack.

  • Thank you so much for making the trip up.
    여기까지 와 줘서 고마워요.

  • Claire will be over the moon.

  • deference: 존중/경의
    Did you smell that? The smugness (잘난체함)? The false deference?

  • hold one's tongue: 침묵하다, 혼자 생각하다
    I have held my tongue about this whole international thing for a while, but I don't get it.

  • Mutual admiration society: 서로 칭찬하는 패거리
    We are part of a mutual admiration society.
    - You are a fan of the symphony.
    - More for the people-watching than the music.

  • ploy: 계책, 술책
    It's a cheap ploy. 싼티나는 계략이군.
    - It's cheap but effective.
    - Well, you certainly have my undivided attention. 확실히 내 주의를 끌긴 했어.

  • intrigue: 음모
    I've led a very long, very successful career avoiding this sort of intrigue with the press.
    그동안 언론과의 기싸움 없이도 성공적인 경력을 쌓았네.

  • so long after sunset and so far from down: 오밤중에
    I never make such big decisions so long after sunset and so far from dawn.

  • ledger: 방명록
    - Did you put Ms. Barns in the visitors' ledger?

  • angle for someting: 노리다
    We are here to talk about my resume?
    - Mayor of D.C. would look good on your resume, wouldn't it?
    - We know that you've been angling to run for some time.

  • irons in the fire: 착수하고 있는 일/사업/계획
    How are we doing?
    - Good. Progress. Irons in the fire.

  • tip over: 뒤집어엎다
    We are now in the same boat, Zoe.
    Take care not to tip it over. I can only save one of us from drowning.

  • neat: 아무것도 타지 않은
    Drinks? I'm sorry, I made that neat. Did you want..?
    - No, this is perfect.




'일일단어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Tactile / Obfuscate / Bauble  (0) 2020.02.29
Moor  (0) 2020.02.23
Aneal  (0) 2020.02.22
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