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왜 무능력한 자가 리더가 되는가?

by mirerooo 2020. 1. 13.

# 사유1.
우리가 자신감(comfidence)와 유능함(competence)를 잘 구분하지 못하기 때문에.

My research suggests there are three main reasons, and the first is our inability to distinguish between confidence and competence. Across cultures and countries, we tend to assume that confident people have more potential for leadership, but in any area of talent, including leadership, there is very little overlap between confidence (how good people think they are at something) and competence (how good they actually are at something).

# 사유2.
(특히 1960년대 대중매체의 폭발적 보급 이후로) 대게 카리스마 있는 사람들을 좋아하기 때문에. (실제로 좋은 리더들은 카리스마가 넘치기 보단 지루할 정도로 겸손함)
The second reason is our love of charismatic individuals, particularly since the explosion of mass media in the 1960s. But this has been turbocharged by the recent digital age. We appear to want leaders who are charming and entertaining, but as most of us know, there is a big difference between an effective leader and being a stand-up comedian. In fact, the best leaders are humble rather than charismatic, to the point of being boring.

# 사유3.
우리 스스로의 나르시즘을 불러일으키는 나르시즘에 가득찬 개인들을 거부하지 못하기 때문에. (“Love yourself, no matter what”)

The third and final reason for the rise of incompetent men is our inability to resist the allure of narcissistic individuals — people with grandiose visions that tap into our own narcissism. We’ve always admired famous people, but our admiration for people who admire themselves or are famous for just being famous has been rising for decades.

Much of the popular advice that focuses on helping people become leaders nurtures and promotes a narcissistic mindset: “Love yourself, no matter what”, “Don’t worry about what people think of you” or “If you think you’re great, you are.” Unfortunately, this creates a surplus of leaders who are unaware of their limitations and unjustifiably pleased with themselves. They see leadership as an entitlement and they lack empathy and self-control, so they end up acting without integrity and indulging in reckless risks. In contrast, the best leaders keep their narcissism in check. They care a lot about other people, including what they think of them, and they spend a great deal of time worrying about their reputation, which is why there are very few scandals about them.
[출처] Why do so many incompetent men become leaders? And what can we do about it? Jan 9, 2020 / Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
