리더십3 HBR_리더십의 스폰서십이란 If you want to secure a role at the top of your organization, a good first step is to participate in high-stakes assignments - ones that are prerequisite for a shot at the C-suite. Powerful sponsors can be critical in demanding and ensuring that you get these jobs. But many companies have given up their formal sponsorship programs, citing push back from executives who feel they are being asked t.. 2020. 8. 24. HBR_채용 할 때 팀장들이 고려해야할 점 Too many of us look for talent in the same places or follow the popular trend of thinking the "best hire" is the "best culture fit." These approaches undermine the efforts to boost diversity (demographically and cognitively) and hinder creativity and innovation. While there is no one "best" way to hire talent, there are seven science-based recommendations that can help managers update their hiri.. 2020. 8. 23. HBR_How to make employees open with management It's a human nature to grumble a little about the boss, a boring meeting, or some seemingly clueless directive from several layers above. This kind of venting doesn't cause real harm - everyone does it now and then. It's only when discussions or crucial issues start to take place inside these conversations, rather than in meetings where concerns can be addressed, that your organization is in tro.. 2020. 8. 23. 이전 1 다음