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Matrimony But suppose you've managed to survive your courtship without any problems. You've just graduated from dating to blissful matrimony.Your soul soars, your heart sings, and your brain is awash in oxytocin, dopamine, and other neurochemicals associated with love. BLISSFUL 행복에 겨운, 더할나위없이 행복한, 기쁨에 겨운 extremely or completely happy We spent a blissful year togther before things started to go wrong. At t.. 2020. 1. 23.
Spendthrift Imagine you are daiting someone who does something that annoys you. (This may not require a great deal of immagination.) Perhaps your partner is a spendthrift or flirts with your friends, or zones out in the middle of your stories. SPENDTHRIFT 돈을 헤프게 쓰는 사람, 낭비벽이 있는 사람 someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it Max was a spendthrift and a heavy gambler. I'm not a spendthirft, altho.. 2020. 1. 22.
Ruinous This imbalance, also known as the negativity bias, evolved in the brain because it kept our ancestors alert to deadly threats, but too often it warps our perspective and behavior. A slight conflict can have ruinous consequences when the power of bad overwhelms your judgment, provoking you to actions that further alienate your partner. WARP 휘다/틀어지다, 휘게하다/틀어지게만들다, (행동을) 비뚤어지게 만들다 to bend or twist .. 2020. 1. 21.
Evict / Dislodge The report found that some investors were purchasing New Orleans properties, evicting their tenants, and converting them into short-term rental spaces, aka Airbnbs. EVICT 쫓아내다, 퇴거시키다 to force someone to leave somewhere The tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted. He was evicted from the bar for his drunken and disorderly behavior. ​ ​ Central to this method of truth-seeking is w.. 2020. 1. 20.
Abet A $4 billion deep-learning AI company focused on facial recognition that will soon debut on the Hong Kong stock market, and which the Trump administration blacklisted in October for allegedly abetting efforts to supress Uighurs in Xinjiang. ABET 사주하다, 부추기다, 교사하다 to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal His accountant had aided and abetted him in the fraud. Shady lawyers abet.. 2020. 1. 19.
Abysmal I have a real fondness for my students as people. But they're abysmal students; or rather, they aren't really students at all, at least not in my class. On any given day, 70% of them are sitting before me shopping, texting, completing assignments, watching videos, or otherwise occupying themselves. ABYSMAL 최악의 This experiment could help a lot of people, or it could be an abysmal failure. abysmal.. 2020. 1. 14.