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ECLIPSE One day, when Lois was about to turn eighty and Jack had been dead for nearly half a century by the troubleness that eclipsed his radiant spirit, a piece of paper fell on her floor as she was moving some papers at home. ECLIPSE (명성 등을) 능가하다, 무색하게 하다, 가리다, 빛을 잃게 만들다, Her score eclipsed her old record. The state of economy has eclipsed all other issues during the election campaign. Their stock is .. 2020. 1. 3.
Sunday Scaries Sunday Scaries is a type of low-level background anxiety that can hit anyone as Sunday afternoon sunlight recedes beneath the horizon. To combat the Sunday Scaries, plan an enjoyable (preferably offline) activity or outing, whether it's as simple as taking a walk or reading a good book, and if it helps you unwind, leave the phone at home. Staying mindful about what's happning around you will dis.. 2020. 1. 3.
JIBE / QUASH / IMPOSTER It's hard to shine in an interview when your capabilities, accomplishments, and creativity don't jibe with the mental picture you have of yourself. That's why it's important to quash any negative self-concepts before you start interviewing to maximize your performance. ... - Adapted from "Don't Let Imposter Syndrom Derail Your Next Interview" JIBE 조화하다, 일치하다 / 남을 곤란하게 만들 (모욕적인) 말[험담]을 하다 Her sto.. 2019. 12. 30.
fervid That man was Jack Kerouac and the book that tipped Lois over the edge of infatuation was his newly published novella The Subterraneans, a semi-fictional account of a fervid romance. FERVID 열렬한, 열의/사랑에 불타는 It is his fervid hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found. The librarian delivered a fervid speech defending the classic novel against would-be censors. ​ ​ 2019. 12. 30.
FLUMMOX / FLUMMOXED In 1876 Sigmund Freud dissected 400 eels looking for testicles. He was flummoxed - there were none. To this day, the eel's mating habits remain a scientific mystery. The fact that nobody knows exactly how eels reproduce is something that matters for the future of the species. FLUMMOX 당황하게(혼란스럽게) 만들다 I have to say that the last question flummoxed me. Doctors were flummoxed by the boy's symptoms. .. 2019. 12. 29.
frivolous There are worse things than not receiving love. There are sadder stories than this. There are species going extinct, and a planet warming. I told myself: who are you to complain, you with these frivolous extracurricular needs? FRIVOLOUS 경솔한, 바보같은, 까부는 With our justice system there are a lot of frivolous cases that go to court. We don't have a monthly budget, but we don't spend frivolously either.. 2019. 12. 27.