일일vocab42 EXPEDITE No expedited shipping required. EXPEDITE 촉진시키다, 추진하다, 빨리 해치우다, 신속히 처리하다 We've got to expedite this order because they need it by tomorrow. You pay more for expedited delivery. What should be done to expedite the transfer of this technology? 2020. 1. 10. SNOOP Other contractors recall hearing kids share their home address and phone number, a man trying to order sex toys, a dinner party guest wondering aloud whether Amazon was snooping on them at that very instant. 기웃거리다, 염탐하다 뜻 You have no business snooping around my office. People were sent out to snoop on rival businesses. Despite the use of passwords, confidentiality might be breached on the intern.. 2020. 1. 9. QUALM One former contractor who had no qualms about the work says listening in on real-world users was "absolutely hilarious." QUALM 거리낌, 꺼림찍한 She had no qualms about lying to the police. Rejecting the dictates of an increasingly intolerant society, they had no qualms about imposing gender roles on women. 2020. 1. 9. ADMONISH ... "adulting", a word invented by millennials as a catchall for the tasks of self-sufficient existence. Expressions of "adulting" do often come off as privileged astonishment at the realities of, well, life: that you have to pay bills and go to work; that you have to buy food and cook it if you want to eat it; that actions have consequences. Adulting is hard because life is hard - or, as a Bust.. 2020. 1. 8. DUNK Tim goes on to admit that some friends had helped him register to vote, and he planned to probably make it happen for the midterms. But his explanation - even though, as he noted, his struggle in this case was in part by his ADHD - triggered the contemporary tendency to dunk on millennials' inability to complete seemingly basic tasks. DUNK 도넛·빵 등을 먹기 전에 커피·우유 등에) 적시다, (사람을 장난삼아) 물속에 빠뜨리다 I like .. 2020. 1. 8. STRATUM / NURSE / SIEVE Outside the year's loveliest children's books - a stratum of literature with which I still actively and ardently engage - I now nurse no illusion of having an even remotely adequate sieve for the "best" of what is published each passing year, given that I read so very little of it. STRATUM 계층, 지층 stratum super stratum 층층이, 켜켜이 strata of thought the upper strata of society The report shows that d.. 2020. 1. 7. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음